You'll find on this page paintings of Louis de Funès, which have been drawn or painted by my family. Many thanks for offering them to me!
Those paintings are exclusive to this website ; you're not authorized in any way to publish or display them on your own website. They are available for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Any publication of these paintings in any form, commercial or not, is strictly forbidden without my written consent and the authorization of their respective authors.
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A painting drawn with pastels by my father during fall 2003. He has been inspired by a caricature of Louis de Funès that you should find easily on the internet, particularly on other websites dedicated to Louis de Funès.
This tableau has been oil-painted by my grandmother in June 2003 as a reward for obtaining my high-school exams :-) She took as a model a quite widespread photo of Louis de Funès. Some improvements have been done by my father.
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