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Are you searching for information about Louis de Funès? Do you want to give your opinion about one of his films? The forum is here to bring you answers. Post here your questions and comments about Louis de Funès, his career, his life... or more generally, about this website itself, so that the other site visitors or myself can help you.
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Warning: the use of this forum implies the acceptance of the Netiquette rules and those from the legal stuff page. Anybody who will not follow those rules will be definitely banned from this forum and other public places from this website.
General Discussion - Post here any messages which are related to Louis de Funès, but which can't fit into another forum category.
Louis de Funès' Films - Any request or comment directly related to a particular film should be posted here, in the corresponding subcategory if the concerned film is referenced, or into the category's root if no subcategory is available.
Merchandising (Offers and Announces, Trades, Sales or Buy Requests...) - Are you looking to buy or sell objects related to Louis de Funès (DVDs, VHS, CDs, etc.)? You can use this section for any related request. Warning, any doubtful or inappropriate ad is forbidden.
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) - This read-only section groups questions I'm often asked by the users on the website itself or, more generally, related to Louis de Funès.
User Comments - Do you want to give an opinion about a film starring Louis de Funès? This category is the most appropriate to receive opinions on Louis' films, and only on his films. For any other information, use the other categories.
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